The Tale of the King's Victorious Knight

The Tale of the King's Victorious Knight is an allegory of my life--my spiritual journey with the King. I originally started it in grad school, weaving it in and out of a paper I had to write for my spiritual formation class. We had to trace our journey back through the heritage of our parents and grandparents, not only our own experience. Later I updated The Tale for my parents and gave it to them as a Christmas present. Now I'm trying to adapt it for a wider audience. We'll see what happens and if it makes any sense to others.

This painting was the companion piece to my original paper. Each symbol, down to the markings on the knight's helmet and shield are significant and hold meaning. Hopefully that will unfold as I tell my tale. Though its rendering leaves something to be desired, it is a starting place that perhaps will evoke more perfect images of a knight as you read.

The Tale of the King's Victorious Knight Posts:
Chapter 1: The Beginnings


  1. Love It! I told you are too cool!! A Daughter of a King indeed. Keep writing Sis, I love the way you write.


