I think I could live just about anywhere as long as it is close to a raised bit of earth. It would have to be high enough so that I could climb and get above where my normal life takes place, but it wouldn't have to be too tall. There's something about being above it all that gives you perspective, partly because you're getting away, but partly because you're seeing a bigger picture.
Everywhere I have lived I go looking for such a spot. In northern Kenya I lived at the base of Mount Marsabit, a highland oasis in the desert lands. Amidst the shepherds and their flocks, I would hike up to various vantage points to sit, and look, and pray. When I first moved to Colorado, I lived close to several parks and open spaces--my options for getting above it all seemed endless there.
The first time I moved in Colorado I figured I had given up convenient access to wild heights. One day, a few weeks after my move, I was walking along a nice city path, but missing my normal haunts. I had walked the path up and down several times before, but it just didn't seem to have much to offer. On this particular occasion I spotted a path leading up to the left that I had not really noticed before. Thinking it would dead-end in a neighborhood since it was just a feeder trail, I grew more curious as the path kept leading up, further and further. And to my amazement and sheer delight this other path led to a large loop which offered panoramic views of the mountains and city. There was even a little wilderness-like area with rocks to sit on and soak in God's beautiful creation, listening to Him speak to me. I decided to call it my "God-Walk." It reminded me of His care and provision and walking it always seemed to give me His big-picture perspective.
Now with my latest move I was expecting something similar. So, on my first free day I went walking on a city path and after quite some time following it in the heat of the day I was disappointed. It didn't have what I was looking for. How could I live here? The houses were so close together. Where could I get away? I was feeling antsy.
But God had something even better in mind for me this time. About a week later my new roommate told me how to easily access some open space behind our development. Within five minutes from our house I was hiking up to the rock outcroppings peppering the area. Once again, I had my God-Walk and something settled in my heart--I knew I could live here. Wandering and sitting there just about every afternoon during that week I discovered again that God works in our hearts when we get away, when we go to a quiet place. He offers his wisdom, his perspective, his kindness, and grace.
Whenever I read Ephesians 3:6, I picture what it says, "And God raised us up with Christ and seated us in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus." God's big-picture perspective is really available to me at all times because I am already seated with him in the highest place. Could I have lived here if God had not provided a physically high vantage point? I think that the answer has to be, "yes", but in his graciousness God knew I needed another God-Walk at this season in my life. And God is gracious and kind. Verse 7 says he seated us in the heavenly realms, "in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus." What a good God He is!
God is always there for us, all we have to do is ask